Intuitive, time saving, Bible study
The Olive Tree ESV with Strongs Bible study iPad app is an excellent tool for daily reading, lesson prep and note taking. The hyperlink keywords bring up original language words with Strongs definitions at the touch of the screen, and allow for instant whole Bible searches for each word, making discovery of the authors original intent extremely easy. The split screen option allows for note taking while the text is up eliminating the need to swipe over to another note taking app, and notes are easily synced to Evernote. Split screen also makes translation comparison effortless, reducing the tendency to misuse Strongs definitions by trying to attribute every possible meaning of a word to every occurrence. One addition that would move me more toward 5 stars would be if the store was organized so that resources already purchased but not downloaded to a particular device automatically showed up at the top of the list.
Blessed to be His about
ESV Strong's Bible, v5.9.15